Thursday, October 30, 2008

Language Arts Activity (spooooky stories)

Wow. What a great couple of hours we had today!!
It all started in a dark, scarey room, lighted only by Fred McGee's hand, holding our camp fire (evil laugh).....

I was SO impressed by the talent this class had!! WOW, Mr. Holley, you should be very proud.

We sat around our scarey camp fire and read stories, written by each person in our class!!

I hope you all can sleep tonight, after all that gore and detail in your stories!

Don't Be Afraid!!

In the dark of the day, Jules took everyones picture, to make sure there were no vampires in our midst... Their reflection cannot be seen!!!

As each child read, they had a flashlight in their hand, and our story-telling hat on their head...

Don't let Jared fool you, he was TOTALLY enthralled with each story!!

The video below was our 5 second break dance... ROCK ON!!!

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